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Seasonal sounds: What are your dog’s noise aversion triggers?

Canine noise aversion is a common anxiety and fear-based response that affects many dogs. Identifying the triggers and signs of noise aversion in your dog is important to address the issue effectively. While fireworks and thunder are common triggers, indoor noises like doorbells, loud voices, or vacuum cleaners can also cause fear responses.

How your dog reacts to the noise can vary from subtle signs like lip licking or yawning to more obvious signs such as panting, pacing, barking, or hiding. In severe cases, dogs may attempt to escape from the house or their crate, potentially causing harm to themselves or property.

It’s crucial to understand that dogs do not outgrow noise aversion; if left untreated, it can worsen in severity, frequency, and duration. Dogs with noise aversion can also develop other anxieties, and if you have multiple dogs, one dog with noise aversion can influence others to create the fear of noises.

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If you notice noise aversion in your dog, it’s essential to consult with your veterinarian as soon as possible. Your vet can provide appropriate recommendations and treatments, including creating a safe place for your dog to retreat to during noise events, prescribing medications to rebalance certain chemicals in the brain, and implementing behavior modification techniques to help your dog re-learn normal behaviors during noise events.

Addressing noise aversion is important for your dog’s well-being and the overall harmony and enjoyment of your family during the holiday season and throughout the year. Seek timely and appropriate treatment to alleviate your dog’s fear and anxiety associated with noise.